Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Trump will destroy democratcy

Paul Rudnick nails it in this Tweet.

And let me note this video.

I'm with Marv Weatherstone (COMMON DREAMS):

  If Joe Biden wants to recuperate his lagging campaign and demonstrate his presidential strength, he should immediately seize upon the opportunity just presented to him by the six wingnuts on the Supreme Court in their ruling in Trump v. United States (the most appropriately named case this term). He should begin by unilaterally (or unitarily as the theory goes) defining what constitute “official acts” of the President. As the power now vested in him by this decision this should be well within his purview and should be conceived as broadly and deeply as possible.

Of course, one of his first such “official” acts should be to issue an arrest warrant for his insurrectionist predecessor for trying to overthrow the U.S. government and the constitution. Under his new authority, he should be able to waive any trial (or associated delays and appeals) and summarily jail the now convicted felon, forthwith. And, it should be crystal clear that he would be able to deal appropriately with any of the MAGA crowd that attempts to rise up in response to this action. National Guard anyone?

Of course, Biden being Biden, he has already snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by declaring that he will “follow the law” no matter what kinds of powerful openings this ruling provides. You can bet that his predecessor and successor will have no such compunction.

He should then turn his attention to making the government and our “democracy” functional. A first task here would be rectifying the stolen U.S. Supreme Court seats by packing the Court with sane justices who will follow the law instead of their cultish “leader.” I recognize the risk here that such a Court might seek to reign in a newly empowered President, but careful vetting and selection could circumvent these possible inconveniences. He might then turn his attention to the electoral system to make sure that one person/one vote is the rule rather than the too rare exception. Get rid of the Electoral College, outlaw partisan gerrymandering, and expand access to the vote and make voting itself easier. Then it’s on to Congressional reform: eliminate the filibuster, greatly expland the power of Presidential signing statements to shape legislation to his liking, declare Presidential vetoes the final word on legislation he dislikes.

Beyond these good government tasks, it is tantalizing to imagine a slate of non-reversible executive orders covering all those vital national needs that an oppositional Congress and the courts have impeded for years: women’s’ bodily autonomy, universal health care, child tax credits, climate legislation and a real green deal, strengthening pro-labor and environmental protection laws, real immigration reform, curbing wealth and income inequality, reshaping tax policy and spiraling corporate greed, addressing homelessness, and on and on.

Of course, Biden being Biden, he has already snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by declaring that he will “follow the law” no matter what kinds of powerful openings this ruling provides. You can bet that his predecessor and successor will have no such compunction.

Donald Trump must be stopped.  If he makes it back into the White House, we have no democracy left.

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

Wednesday, July 4, 2024.  The mess that is the Democratic Party currently is scaring the hell out of Democratic voters, the party needs to get its act together, the assault on Gaza continues with food deprivation continuing to be the Israeli government's go-to weapon of choice.

Okay, let's talk about reality and I don't mean the fact that Chris Hemsworth needs to accept that he isn't box office but, yes, there is that.  No, what I'm talking about is the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

We had to deal with this garbage last week and we're still here with it.  It's a media game for some and for a lot of whores it's just part of the destroy-the-Democratic-Party b.s. that they pursue every election cycle.

But for people out there, this isn't funny.  It's not cute and it's very stressful.  

Do you idiots have any idea what you're doing?

You clearly don't.

Rank-in-file Democrats are on edge and you're not helping.

If you're Norman Solomon -- see Marcia's "Shut up, Norman Solomon" -- you don't give a damn and we grasp that just like we grasp that you're not a Democrat.  

If Joe Biden's going to be replaced, that needs to be dealt with immediately.  This is not something that you can stretch out for weeks and weeks.  If he's not going to be replaced, the subject needs to be dropped immediately.

I don't care one way or the other, honestly, what happens.  I've said for two years now that I will vote for whomever the nominee is.  And I've repeatedly pointed out this year and last that it might not be Joe Biden.  

To those who think we cannot have a different nominee in November because it's too late, it logically isn't, it historically isn't.  We'll come back to that.

To those who think -- or whore, scheme and plan (I'm looking at you, Norman) -- they can wage a long battle to force Joe to step down, we can't handle that.

One way or another, the American people need to know what's going on.  I would've thought this was settled Monday.  It's not.  

Ava and I spoke with students on three campuses yesterday.  This is stressing them out.  If Joe steps down, great.  We'll move forward.  If Joe's not stepping down, your little war needs to stop.  Right now, he is the candidate.  

Due to changes and 'changes,' in our modern era most of us only know of a candidate being clear before the convention.  In the not-so-distant past, the  convention was where the nomination was settled.  

Let's note Marianne Williamson. 

Marianne Williamson has a largely positive message in the above.  Whomever the nominee is -- even if it's Joe -- needs to utilize that messaging.  

Can Marianne be the nominee?  I don't know.  No one knows at this point.  If Joe steps down (and he doesn't have to), most likely the primary contestants don't matter at all.  The personality challenged Dean Phillips got more votes than Marianne but no one in their right mind would pull for Dean Phillips.

Roland S. Martin has rightly noted that there's a level of disrespect with their current (forced) conversation that doesn't even seem to consider Vice President Kamala Harris.

Kamala didn't run in the 2024 primary and she's been seen as part of the ticket Biden-Harris.  If Biden is going to step down, I don't know that Kamala's up to it.  I would say the same thing about Joe Biden if this were 2012 and Barack was deciding to step down.


Kamala is the Vice President.  She's a question mark as such -- the same way Joe was in 2020 when he ran for the presidential nomination. But she doesn't come with a clean slate.  She has to answer for everything Joe has done as president -- Biden-Harris.  If Joe's going to step aside, I don't know that we need a candidate who is so closely tied to him.  "You and Joe did this and you and Joe did that and all I did since I left the White House was stuff my fat face and cheat on my wife."  Isn't that what Donald would do at the next debate?  So with regards to Kamala, that's the question to ask: Does the person who gave policy advice but did not make decisions need to be the candidate when she gets saddled with 100% of the responsibility for everything Joe did?

Kamala does have the presence to put forward a strong campaign.  She also comes with baggage. 

Less baggage than Gretchen.Whitmer.  Kamala is a national known.  Gretchen is not.  Her behavior during the pandemic is reprehensible:

In May 2021, Whitmer apologized after being photographed with a large group of unmasked people, with no social distancing, at a restaurant in East Lansing.[69][70][71] The restaurant was violating state-mandated social distancing guidelines that restricted indoor dining to six people per table.[72]

You may or may not agree with the mandates she imposed in Michigan during the pandemic but it is her record -- the imposing of mandates -- and then she's not following what she imposed on others in the state?

May 26, 2020, Poppy Noor (GUARDIAN) reported:

“If you don’t live in these regions … think long and hard before you take a trip into them. A small spike could put the hospital system in dire straits pretty quickly. That’s precisely why we’re asking everyone to continue doing their part,” said Whitmer before she eased restrictions last Monday.

But Whitmer’s husband, Marc Mallory, might have missed that message. According to a local marina owner, Mallory called asking if the facility could put his boat in the water by Memorial Day weekend.

When Tad Dowker, the owner, said it would not be possible to dock his boat in time, Mallory identified himself as the governor’s husband and asked whether that might help him.

In a Facebook post that has since been removed, Dowker said: “This morning, I was out working when the office called me, there was a gentleman on hold who wanted his boat in the water before the weekend. Being Memorial weekend and the fact that we started working three weeks late means there is no chance this is going to happen … Well our office personnel had explained this to the man and he replied, ‘I am the husband to the governor, will this make a difference?’”

A spokesperson for Whitmer initially warned against rumors and misinformation when asked about the claims – although the representative did not deny them outright.

But today Whitmer accepted that her husband had made the call, calling it “a failed attempt at humor”.

Again, she imposed the rules.  And she didn't follow them.  Then you get her corrupt husband.  And her office lies and said that didn't happen.  Then she's forced to admit it did happen -- after having lied that it didn't -- and she tries to pass off her husband's corruption as "a failed attempt at humor."

That freak show doesn't belong on the national stage.  

Her name should not be thrown around by pundits or the press but it is being thrown around.

She would be a nightmare candidate.  And that is a consideration when anyone other than Joe is being considered.  Joe's known.  The country knows who he is.  He has no new scandals and pretty much all the dirty laundry there is on him is already out there. 

Whomever the nominee is -- Joe or anyone else -- the press and the GOP are going to try to destroy them.  

On paper, John Kerry looked so good.  Years in the Senate, a Vietnam veteran, very few rumors of affairs, etc.  Then we were stuck with him.  And the press did it's usual garbage.  October 4, 2004, Geraldine Sealey (SALON) noted:

Avid New York Times readers probably recognize this quote from the paper of record's campaign coverage: "Who among us does not like NASCAR?"; or perhaps, "Who among us does not love NASCAR?" The paper has attributed some iteration of the quote to John Kerry in several opinion columns and news stories since March, always to make the point that try as he might, John Kerry just doesn't get the common, NASCAR-loving man, and when he tries to adopt a regular-guy persona, the result is laughably unconvincing. 

As Sealey goes on to note, the quote -- which was not true -- popped up in the columns of Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich and in the reporting of Sheryl Gay Stolberg.  Again, completely made up.  And the GOP made up their Swift Boat Bums.

And that'll happen again (and again and again because the press is so inherently f**ked up -- they need their lies or they can't function and because the GOP identifies your biggest strength that could attract swing voters and rips that apart).  

And then we got the things John Kerry actually did.  That embarrassing wind surfing.  He looked -- and looks -- like Ichabod Crane and he was over 60 year old at the time, no one needed that in any swim ware or compression shorts. 

Selecting another candidate as this point would have to be done very carefully.

Kamala is a known and there's nothing that they can throw at her that the whole country isn't already aware of -- unless the press didn't do their job in 2019 and 2020.  That's not true of Gretchen.  That's not true of the basically unknown man that David Sirota's supporting (Josh Shapiro).  The national stage is not for the squeamish or the sensitive or those who have not been vetted by the national press.  B-b-but we're talking governors!!!!!!

The state press?  That's what we're expecting to have done the job?  This is not meant as an attack on Sarah Palin.  But John McCain picked her as a running mate because she was a governor.  And the press in Alaska had 'vetted' her for some time.  But the national press looked at her much differently -- in part because state press tends to kiss up to governors.  

So this notion that someone's a governor so they've been vetted.  No, they haven't.

If they're Gavin Newsom, you can say that.  Gavin is on the national stage and has been for years.  The GOP has vilified him for years on the national stage.  Americans have an idea of who he is. 

If the GOP was debating whether to dump Donald Trump or not (which they should), you could point to Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie as two governors who were known on the national stage.  

So the point is Gavin's a good prospect if Joe was not the nominee.  I love Gavin and have known him for years -- that's not the first time that's been disclosed here.  My concern with Gavin is the ex-wife.  I never trusted her, post-divorce she became a Republican and I'd wonder what she might be willing to do to tank Gavin if he was the nominee.

I want to get to Gaza in terms of the election.  But let's wait on that so we can go from Gaza in terms of the election to what's going on in Gaza right now.  

Let's talk about sexism for a moment.  I agree with Roland that it's bothersome that Kamala is not even mentioned by the pundits and the 'activists' (fake ones like Norman Solomon).  I don't like Kamala.  Check the archives, that's long been disclosed.  I've known her before she threw her hat in the ring to run for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.  I don't like her.  But don't tell me that she shouldn't at least be considered when she's served four years as the vice president and when she's a known figure on the national stage.  Again, I think she would be too closely tied to Joe to be an effective candidate (weighed down by his baggage) but, if we're talking about replacing Joe, yes, she deserves to be part of the candidates we're considering.  And it is sexism to pretend otherwise.  

Sexism?  It needs to stop with regards to Jill Biden.  I've noticed how THE VANGUARD and others have distorted photos of her to make her look weird and strange.  That's outrageous.  

I know Jill.  I like Jill.  When she was The Second Lady, I believe she only got noted by me in one entry -- those entire eight years -- because I didn't want to sit in judgment on her.  I noted before Joe took the oath for Vice President that I would not be noting her because if I did, I'd also have to note her if something negative came up.  Nothing negative did in those eight years.  We noted her once because of a column she'd done on veterans issues and we cover veterans issues here.

As First Lady?  I've avoided noting her unless it was with regards to Hunter Biden and a line was being crossed in my mind that shouldn't be.  

People have written outrageous things about her in the last four years and that's upset me but I haven't brought it here because there's a conflict of interest since I do know her.  

But this is different because Jill's being distorted and attacked.  There's no reason to photo shop her to make her look different. 

There's also no reason for anyone to write a column or insist in a video that Jill needs to tell Joe to step down.  Joe's the one to decide that.  Who the hell are you to tell someone that it's their job to get their spouse to step down?

Who the hell are you?

That's outrageous and it's also very sexist.  And her duty?  Joe ran for office.  She did not.  Joe holds elected office.  She does not.  Her 'job' is to support her spouse.  Her job is not to do whatever it is you want her to do.  

I've got one more thing to deal with that I forgot and we're going to shoe-horn it in here. I noted that I don't like Kamala.  I also don't like Liz Cheney.

That's one of two videos we noted in the last 24 hours on Liz.

I don't like Liz.  I would never vote for Liz.  We have never glorified her here.  My favorite Cheney moment in my life was when Dick Cheney smiled at me thinking he might come over -- for an autograph? -- and I flipped him off and watched him scowl.  That moment still makes me smile.

But anyway, what Donald Trump just did is outrageous.  It is offensive.  It should be seen as the threat to her that he meant it to be.  This is why this idiot cannot be allowed to have four more years in the White House. 

We didn't praise Liz when she was 'on our side' in the eyes of some on the left.  We didn't do a revisionary take on her..  I didn't like her and I don't like her.  But that's a threat on her life and it is outrageous that Donald Trump made it.  That should have been headlines.  THE NEW YORK TIMES should have immediately published an editorial calling for Donald to drop out of the race for making that threat. 

If you're going to replace Joe you need to accept some realities.  We're getting into Gaza now but I'll probably have a bit more on other things before we're actually there. 

Joe is a disappointment on Gaza.  And if another Democrat runs and is elected president in November, it's going to be the same.

Maybe not if Marianne's the nominee and gets elected. 

But the reality is that basically any other Democrat is going to be operating as Joe did on Gaza.

It's our job to pressure Joe.  It's our job to pressure whomever is elected in November.

I call out Joe here on Gaza all the time.  I will continue to do so.  

But I'm aware that there's a lot of money involved and I am aware that politics are corrupt.  

I feel we need to be at point Z with regards to Gaza.  I'd define that as the Israeli government ending its assault and of the Palestinian people having self-rule and that electricity and water do not depend upon or go through Israel.  

That's where we need to be.

A Democrat probably only gets us to H on the A to Z scale.

A Republican in the White House takes us back to A.  

Mike rightly noted last week:

Hey, Owen Jones, I'm looking at you.  Shut your f**king pie hole.  You're not an American, you don't live in this country.  The only reason I've listened to you in the past is because of the plight of the Palestinians.  I don't need you -- foreigner -- doing a segment with your 'thoughts' on the debate.  Nor do I see how your attacks on Joe -- which pimp Donald Trump -- help Palestinians.  Joe's not the one who moved the Embassy in Israel, for example.  Joe's not the one in the debate Thursday night who made vile comments about Palestinians.

Exactly.  Owen Jones embarrassed himself and acted a whore in that segment.  We haven't noted him since.  I'm not fond of whores or con artists.  If Gaza is your issue, then be smart on it.

US elections really aren't your business, Owen.  Butt the hell out.  That's goes for Glynneth Greenwald whose chosen to make his life in Brazil as well.  Their glee after the debate should have exposed them to everyone.

Donald will not help the Palestinians.  Nor will Robert Kennedy Junior who's made that clear in his remarks (which is why the Libertarian Party refused to give him their nomination when he begged for it).  Jill Stein! That dried up whore couldn't stand up on Iraq.  When THE NEW YORK TIMES (Tim Arango) reported in September of 2012 that Barack Obama was secretly sending US troops back into Iraq, Jill didn't touch it even when her supporters begged her to -- even when her inner circle begged her to.  She's a whore who rides any cause that's got attention.  Otherwise, she's just doing her anti-vax nonsense.  That's really all she's ever had.  Not only is she a fake, she can't win.  

So you're reality is Cornel West, Chase Oliver or a Democrat if you're voting for president in 2024.  Donald's going to destroy Palestine even more.  And his vile and disgusting comments in the debate received no pushback from Owen or Glynneth.  Or anyone else.

A lot of money goes into each election cycle -- as Jamaal Bowman can attest -- and the Democratic Party and their nominee is not going to walk away from that or risk alienating those donors.  Or risking those votes.  

Joe deserves to be pressured, he deserves to be called out.  And that's going to be true of any Democrat who could be in the White House in 2025 (except maybe Marianne).

Change happens slowly.

The Palestinians have suffered for decades.  Today, they have the most support in the US that they have ever had.  And if we talk about this issue and explore this issue, the support will increase.  When that happens, we can see a US government that doesn't repeatedly give the government of Israel a pass -- not on bombing and attacking a US ship, not on carrying out a genocide.

It is our job to press on this issue.  It is our job to do so in an informed manner.  

That means (A) post debate you're not attacking the nominee that you can push especially when the nominee he's on stage with is make disgusting remarks about Palestinians gets a pass from you, (B) you grasp that a propaganda operation went on for decades -- carried out by the press -- that has given a false perspective of the 1948 creation of the Israeli government.  That means you grasp that the people who first moved in in 1948 (moved into occupied territories) were willing to be in UK camps.  The horror of the Holocaust didn't lead to a demand that, "No, you're not going to cage me."  Why?  Because it was already occupied land.

From The Holocaust Memorial Museum's HOLOCAUST ENCYCLOPEDIA:

In all, the British detained about 52,000 ma’apilim (illegal immigrants) on Cyprus, including about 1,300 from North Africa. The Cyprus detainees were primarily young people who had joined Zionist youth groups before departing Europe. Approximately 80 percent were aged 12 to 35, while 8,000 were between the ages of 12 and 18. The majority were orphans.

The mossad l’aliyah bet branch of the Hagana (an underground Jewish military organization) was responsible for organizing the illegal immigration movement. It was most interested in recruiting young and hardy immigrants who were dedicated to the Zionist cause and capable of participating in the struggle to create a Jewish state. The mossad l’aliyah bet relied upon the Zionist youth movements in the displaced persons camps of central Europe—Hashomer HatzairDrorGordoniahNocham, and Betar—to provide the immigrants. This arrangement determined the unique demographic make-up of the Cyprus camps. Despite the diverse political movements represented in the camps, the internees established a joint movement structure to represent their needs before the authorities.

Conditions in the camps

The British military ran the detention camps in accordance with the harsh model of the POW camp.  Surrounded by barbed wire and watch towers, the camps were under constant guard. The Joint Distribution Committee provided for the welfare of the detainees, including supplying food and medical care, mitigating the hardships suffered by the detainees. JDC Cyprus director Morris Laub served as the representative of the detainees vis-a-vis the British authorities.

There were two types of refugee camps on Cyprus. Five summer camps (nos. 55, 60, 61, 62, 63) were located at Kraolos, near Famagusta. The detainees were housed in tents. Seven winter camps (nos. 64-70) were located at Dekalia. Housing there consisted of tin Nissen huts and some tents. After December 1946, the majority of the children and teenagers were placed in Camp 64, known as the youth village.

Conditions were generally harsh. People were squeezed into tents and tin huts that were unbearably hot in the summer and freezing cold in the rainy winter, with little furniture, no electric lighting, limited access to water, bad food, and poor sanitary conditions.

Approximately 2000 babies were born in the Cyprus camps. The births took place in the Jewish wing of the British military hospital in Nicosia. Four hundred Jews died during their internment on the island and were buried in the Margoa cemetery.

The British were successful in apprehending most of the 70,000 illegal immigrants who embarked for Palestine. Nonetheless, as space for refugees on Cyprus became scarce and ships continued to sail from Europe carrying ma’apilim, it became apparent to the British that the policy of detention in Cyprus was not successful in deterring the Ha’apala movement. The conditions in the Cyprus detentions camps and the sight of Jewish Holocaust survivors being held behind barbed wire also excited widespread criticism of British handling of the problem of Jewish immigration to Palestine. The British decision to send the refugee ship Exodus 1947 back to Europe in July 1947 instead of detaining its passengers on Cyprus represented an admission of the failure of the Cyprus deterrent.

For most of those survivors interned on Cyprus, the experience only served to strengthen their resolve to reach Palestine, which they almost all did following the creation of Israel in May 1948.

At one time, from 1946 through 1948, it was the opinion of the world leaders that these people could not just storm into Palestine.  "The Jewish immigration to Palestine."  The lie that some pro-genocide Americans keep repeating today that Palestine didn't exist and blah blah blah?  It's a lie.  And we need to call it out.  

I'm hoping global pressure will be enough to end the slaughter in Gaza before the end of the year.  In 2006, at THIRD, a roundtable, I upset some -- including Jim -- when I shared that the Iraq War would still be going on after we closed down THIRD.  At that point, the plan was to close THIRD at the end of 2008.  That was the plan.  And it was 2006, before the mid-term elections.  And Jim and many others were young and thought that the Iraq War would have to be over because the American people had turned against it.  I understand why they thought that way.  But that's not what I was expecting based on the life I'd lived.  And I'm not expecting equality for Palestinians this calendar year.  If I'm wrong, I'll be thrilled.  But I'm not seeing it happening.

So we need to be pressuring whomever is the president and we need to be addressing this issue with our friends and our families and strangers and what have you.  Education is our strongest tool in any peace movement.  

Education means making smart choices as well.  And a Democratic candidate who we need to get to Z but is only at H right now is always preferrable to a GOP candidate who is at A. 

Owen Jones, who does not live in the US, looked at a US debate where one candidate outright attacked Palestinians and smeared Palestinians.  Owen Jones did not make that the thrust of his video.  Instead, he chose to focus on Joe and mock Joe and take glee in mocking Joe.  And that might be fine if he'd done a video on Donald and what Donald said about Palestinians in the debate.  But he didn't do that.  He's made it very hard for me to take him seriously.

Norman Solomon's showing up to again attack Joe.  I don't take him seriously.  And a 78-year-old in October Democrat saying Joe needs to step aside?  No, I don't take him seriously.  (See Mike's "Hollywood poser Lloyd Doggett wants Joe to step down -- 78 in October, Lloyd should retire.")

And I don't take seriously anyone who doesn't live in the US trying to attack Joe.  As Betty's "We are so screwed" and Rebecca's "posers and the crooked court'' note -- what do we have left right now in terms of remedy with regards to the corrupt Supreme Court -- prayer?

Tom Bateman (BBC NEWS) reports this morning:

Twelve former Biden administration officials who resigned over policy on Israel and the Gaza war say the government’s actions have endangered US national security.

The policies have further destabilised the region and “put a target on America’s back”, they say in a joint statement.

One of the 12 resigned only on Tuesday from the US Department of the Interior.

The US Department of State has previously denied such claims, pointing to its criticism of civilian casualties in Gaza and its efforts to boost humanitarian aid.

The joint statement by the former officials says: "America’s diplomatic cover for, and continuous flow of arms to Israel has ensured our undeniable complicity in the killings and forced starvation of a besieged Palestinian population in Gaza."

Maryam Hassanein is the latest official to step down.  THE NATIONAL noted yesterday:

Maryam Hassanein, appointed by President Joe Biden to the US Department of Interior, resigned on Tuesday over the government's support of Israel.

"As a Muslim American, I cannot continue working for an administration that ignores the voices of its diverse staff by continuing to fund and enable Israel's genocide of Palestinians," Ms Hassanein wrote on X.

She joined the Biden administration in January but said: "It has become clear to me that I do not have a place in this administration."

Ms Hassanein became the latest of at least 10 government officials and staff members to resign over the US support of Israel as the civilian death toll grows and humanitarian crises worsen in Gaza.

Akbar Shahid Ahmed (HUFFINGTON POST) reports:

In 2020, Maryam Hassanein cast a ballot for Joe Biden in the first presidential election she was old enough to vote in because she felt he represented “hope” and a chance of “justice for Muslim Americans and for marginalized communities as a whole.” On Tuesday, Hassanein became the latest member of the Biden administration to publicly quit over the president’s policy in the Gaza war — and the youngest known resignee so far, at 24.

“I came to understand that even if the agency I’m working at is not producing foreign policy, serving in the administration in any capacity does essentially make you complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians,” Hassanein told HuffPost of her resignation from the Interior Department, which has not previously been publicly reported. She worked as a special assistant to the assistant secretary for land and minerals management.

She described quitting as a way “to leverage privilege” to make a statement against Biden’s support for Israel’s military campaign in the Gaza Strip, which has killed close to 38,000 people, displaced the vast majority of Gaza’s residents and plunged the region into a humanitarian crisis.

Hassanein joins a group of at least 11 resignees across the government who felt Biden’s approach made it impossible for them to continue serving under him. Many of them worked in national security positions, including veteran former State Department official Josh Paul, who was the first to quit in a development HuffPost first reported. Frustration with the moral and strategic toll of Biden’s support for the Israeli offensive has been significant across government agencies, sources have told HuffPost, with some saying it has reached heights only comparable to outrage among U.S. officials over the decision to invade Iraq in 2003. Government officials have organized several protests and signed internal and public expressions of dissent.

Two of the group spoke with Leila Fadel (NPR's MORNING EDITION):


There's a small but growing number of resignations from the government and now the American military over U.S. policy in Gaza. Today, we hear from two service members.

Army Maj. Harrison Mann spent 13 years in the military. He describes his most recent job as assistant to the director who oversaw all things Middle East at the Defense Intelligence Agency, including the Israel crisis response. One day in the fall, he says, he couldn't do the work anymore.

HARRISON MANN: October 17, there was this explosion at al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza that killed upwards of a hundred people, and it was the only time that I'd seen the intelligence community actually make a concerted effort to investigate what looked like some of war crime. And in that instance, we determined that it was not the Israelis.

And that was very heartening for me 'cause I thought, wow, there's going to be intense interest in investigating possible war crimes or killings of civilians. But shortly after that process, I understood that that was an outlier and that we were really never going to drill deep into any killings of civilians ever again.

FADEL: After his resignation went into effect, he published an open letter online explaining that his decision to walk out was due to moral injury, noting that he is the descendant of European Jews.

MANN: Seeing videos of burnt corpses and dead kids and people starving to death, I think, should be very affecting for anybody, but if you're Jewish, you can't look at that and not think of your own people's history. It's impossible not to if you think that Arabs are human beings, too.

FADEL: I also connected with 1st Sgt. Mohammed Abu Hashem, a Palestinian American. He says his aunt's killing in a strike on her building in Gaza's Jabalia refugee camp in October sealed his decision to end a 22-year career in the U.S. Air Force. The strike, he says, killed nearly two dozen people, including children.

MOHAMMED ABU HASHEM: I never received a single answer from my leadership team or from our government as to what happened on that day. And it didn't matter how far I made it in the military that I was not going to be able to affect change based on the rank and based off of my leadership. On October 21, I submitted my decision to step away.

FADEL: Abu Hashem's aunt is one of six relatives he's lost in Gaza. Both Harrison Mann and Mohammed Abu Hashem say they resigned so they could speak out but also because they felt guilt.

MANN: You're going into work every day understanding that you're partially supporting this military that is deliberately starving and killing massive numbers of civilians.

FADEL: Israel denies that they're deliberately killing civilians. Biden has said it's possible that U.S. weapons have been used in war crimes in Gaza.

MANN: Could I respond to that...

FADEL: For...

MANN: ...Statement?

FADEL: Sure.

MANN: Yeah, I just say the Israeli military is totally dependent on the U.S. for munitions. Especially at the start of the war, they were expending them at an extremely high rate. So the idea that they even have anything left that's not U.S.-made is very unlikely.

At COMMON DREAMS, Ramzy Baroud notes:

  Humanitarian aid should never be politicized though, quite often, the very survival of nations is used as political bargaining chips.

Sadly, Gaza remains a prime example. Even before the current war, the Gaza Strip suffered under a 17-year hermetic blockade, which has rendered the impoverished area virtually “unlivable.”

That very term, “unlivable” was used by the then-United Nations Special Rapporteur for the Situation of Palestine, Michael Lynk, in 2018. 

  As of mid-December of last year, “nearly 70% of Gaza’s 439,000 homes and about half of its buildings have been damaged or destroyed,” The Wall Street Journalreported, citing experts who conducted a thorough analysis of satellite data.

As tragic as the situation was in December, now it is far worse.

Sixty-seven percent of Gaza’s water, sanitation facilities, and infrastructure have been destroyed or damaged, according to a statement by the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees, UNRWA, on June 19, leading to the spreading of infectious diseases, which has ravaged the beleaguered population for months.

The spread of disease is also linked to the accumulation of garbage everywhere in Gaza. Earlier, the refugees agency reported that “as of June 9, over 330,000 tons of waste have accumulated in or near populated areas across Gaza, posing catastrophic environmental (and) health risks.”

The situation was already disastrous. Indeed, three years before the war, the Global Institute for Water, Environment, and Health (GIWEH) said, in a joint statement with the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, that 97% of Gaza water was undrinkable and unfit for human consumption.

Yet, so far, any conversation on allowing aid to Gaza, or the rebuilding of Gaza after the war, has been placed largely within political contexts.

By shutting down all border crossings, including the Egypt-Gaza Rafah Crossing—which, on June 17, was set ablaze—Israel has politicized food, fuel, and medicine as tools in its war in the strip. 

THE NATIONAL notes, "China has condemned Israel for its obstruction of aid into Gaza, warning that the man-made humanitarian crisis is at an unprecedented level and amounts to a 'serious breach' of international law."

Gaza remains under assault. Day 271 of  the assault in the wave that began in October.  Binoy Kampmark (DISSIDENT VOICE) points out, "Bloodletting as form; murder as fashion.  The ongoing campaign in Gaza by Israel’s Defence Forces continues without stalling and restriction.  But the burgeoning number of corpses is starting to become a challenge for the propaganda outlets:  How to justify it?  Fortunately for Israel, the United States, its unqualified defender, is happy to provide cover for murder covered in the sheath of self-defence."   CNN has explained, "The Gaza Strip is 'the most dangerous place' in the world to be a child, according to the executive director of the United Nations Children's Fund."  ABC NEWS quotes UNICEF's December 9th statement, ""The Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. Scores of children are reportedly being killed and injured on a daily basis. Entire neighborhoods, where children used to play and go to school have been turned into stacks of rubble, with no life in them."  NBC NEWS notes, "Strong majorities of all voters in the U.S. disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of foreign policy and the Israel-Hamas war, according to the latest national NBC News poll. The erosion is most pronounced among Democrats, a majority of whom believe Israel has gone too far in its military action in Gaza."  The slaughter continues.  It has displaced over 1 million people per the US Congressional Research Service.  Jessica Corbett (COMMON DREAMS) points out, "Academics and legal experts around the world, including Holocaust scholars, have condemned the six-week Israeli assault of Gaza as genocide."   The death toll of Palestinians in Gaza is grows higher and higher.  United Nations Women noted, "More than 1.9 million people -- 85 per cent of the total population of Gaza -- have been displaced, including what UN Women estimates to be nearly 1 million women and girls. The entire population of Gaza -- roughly 2.2 million people -- are in crisis levels of acute food insecurity or worse."  THE NATIONAL notes, "Gaza death toll reaches 37,953 , with 87,266 injured."  Months ago,  AP  noted, "About 4,000 people are reported missing."  February 7th, Jeremy Scahill explained on DEMOCRACY NOW! that "there’s an estimated 7,000 or 8,000 Palestinians missing, many of them in graves that are the rubble of their former home."  February 5th, the United Nations' Phillipe Lazzarini Tweeted:


April 11th, Sharon Zhang (TRUTHOUT) reported, "In addition to the over 34,000 Palestinians who have been counted as killed in Israel’s genocidal assault so far, there are 13,000 Palestinians in Gaza who are missing, a humanitarian aid group has estimated, either buried in rubble or mass graves or disappeared into Israeli prisons.  In a report released Thursday, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said that the estimate is based on initial reports and that the actual number of people missing is likely even higher."

As for the area itself?  Isabele Debre (AP) reveals, "Israel’s military offensive has turned much of northern Gaza into an uninhabitable moonscape. Whole neighborhoods have been erased. Homes, schools and hospitals have been blasted by airstrikes and scorched by tank fire. Some buildings are still standing, but most are battered shells."  Kieron Monks (I NEWS) reports, "More than 40 per cent of the buildings in northern Gaza have been damaged or destroyed, according to a new study of satellite imagery by US researchers Jamon Van Den Hoek from Oregon State University and Corey Scher at the City University of New York. The UN gave a figure of 45 per cent of housing destroyed or damaged across the strip in less than six weeks. The rate of destruction is among the highest of any conflict since the Second World War."

The following sites updated:

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Hollywood poser Lloyd Doggett wants Joe to step down -- 78 in October, Lloyd should retire


If you missed it, US House Rep Lloyd Doggett is calling for Joe Biden not to run for re-election.  At 81, Joe's too old for Lloyd.   This is the 78-year-old in October Lloyd.  

Maybe Lloyd should step down?

He's a worthless piece of crap anyway.  Propped by Hollywood donations, he's held onto seat that he did nothing in.  Lloyd, US troops are still in Iraq, you know that, right?

I remember him railing against the efforts  by Bully Boy Bush to put a SOFA into being in 2008.  I remember him saying if it happened, he would use every power he had in Congress to stop it and overturn it.  Then Bully Boy Bush does the SOFA Thanksgiving Day 2008 -- after he lost the election.  And Lloyd?  Like a whore looks the other way.

Remember the benchmarks that Dems in Congress demanded to continue funding in Iraq?

Lloyd doesn't.  They never met the benchmarks and despite this Lloyd dropped the issue in 2008.

When did Lloyd ever follow through on anything?

US troops are still in Iraq -- is Lloyd aware of that?

If he's concerned that Joe's too old, Lloyd -- who's only three years younger -- needs to set an example by announcing his retirement.

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

Tuesday, July 2, 2024.  With nowhere to go, Gazans are again ordered by the Israeli government to evacuate, CNN 'sweetens' reality to ignore the use of dogs by the Israeli government on Palestinians locked behind bars, BREAKING POINTS chose to platform a transphobe in their one and only Pride segment for the month of June, and much more.

So much to cover today.  We'll do Gaza in depth -- and actually already have.  I started dictating the snapshot with Gaza to make sure it didn't get a quick pass because I was running out of time.  But we're not opening with Gaza specifically.  Generally?  Yes.

Because Gaza today, the slaughter in Gaza, takes place because of shoddy media.  And we're starting with the embarrassing media in the US.  A media that never gets better, please note.  Independent media pops up and becomes garbage.  Corporate media whores and then whores some more. 

Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (or simply Breaking Points) is an American political news and opinion series created and hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti. It was launched in June 2021 by Ball and Enjeti, both former hosts of The Hill's Rising web series. They publish an audio-only podcast and the video program is available on YouTube, Rumble, and Spotify. Its format includes one anchor representative of the political left (Ball) and one right-of-center anchor (Enjeti), who provide news and commentary with a populist view from divergent sides of the political spectrum.[4][5][better source needed][6]

Breaking Points features commentary and analysis of political news and current events, in-studio interviews with journalists, politicians, campaign staff and surrogates, political advisors and strategists, and members of the news media, and occasional live-analysis segments. Ball and Enjeti, the primary hosts, usually publish on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Journalist Ryan Grim and culture writer Emily Jashinsky co-host on a show on Wednesdays and Fridays called Counter Points with the Friday segment hosting political and cultural debates between guests.

Ball and Enjeti each produce, write, and deliver a monologue each episode highlighting an important topic in current events. The hosts analyze the topic, usually organized into three or four bullet-points. This is followed by an open discussion with the other host, available to premium subscribers. 

The majority of the show's revenue comes from premium subscribers, with some additional revenues from YouTube and podcast ads.[7] Their expenses are around one million dollars a year.[7]

Why?  Why should anyone give even a dime to this crap ass program?

You're wasting your money and you're harming democracy.  Stop kidding yourself.  

On Sunday, BREAKING POINTS decided to do a segment on Pride.  All of June was Pride Month yet they refused to do a single segment on Pride for the first 29 days.  They did do an LGBTQ+ related segment -- when Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's ugly and overweight wife Martha got caught on tape trashing, among others, the LGBTQ+ community.  That was it -- and that wasn't a segment on Pride.  As Ava and I note in "Media: BREAKING POINTS promotes transphboia, CRAPAPEDIA can't handle the truth," the Robert Kennedy Jr supporting weasel James Li brought on a lying hag to trash transgendered people.  (James supports Junior -- we did eliminate that section and others to condense the piece or it would have been even longer.)  

We rightly, on the left, call out THE NEW YORK TIMES for its transphobia and for its refusal to go to trans people and get their stories.  

BREAKING POINTS did the same thing.  

It chose to bring on a known transphobe and a know liar.

Let's be really clear here that this ugly bitch was brought on with her two year record of transphobia.  It's how she got FOX "NEWS" to note her and how she got THE NEW YORK POST to note her.  It's her grift now.

In 2020, the disgusting Andrew Yang ran for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination -- he did not run for president.

Let's get that clear because it bothers the hell out of me as a poli sci major.  In our time online (and on campuses), we've been part of a group that's managed to destroy the nonsense of calling swing voters "independent voters."  Maybe we can all get behind the reality that if you run for president, you're running for president.  You're not running in a primary.  When you run in a primary, you are a candidate for the party's nomination.  If you don't get the nomination, you're not a presidential candidate -- Marianne Williamson being one example.  That's not a slam on her.  But she did not run for president.  I loathe Junior but he is running for president and he's a presidential candidate.

Yang brought a lot of stupidity into the 2020 primary and a lot of lies and if he hadn't been on that stage wasting everyone's time in the primaries who knows who might have ended up the nominee.  

So a Yang Ganger -- who we'll just call Closety (she's named in Ava and my piece) presents herself as someone who ran for Congress.  No, Closety, you didn't.  

You ran in a primary and you lost.  You didn't even get 10,000 votes.  The winner got nearly 100,000 votes. 

You were a primary candidate.  You never ran for Congress, Closety, stop lying.

But if she stopped lying, what would she do?  Apparently lying is how you get on BREAKING POINTS.

She's good at lying.  When she was in the 2020 primary, for example, she gave countless interviews, took a few surveys.  

James Li presented Closety as a "lesbian activist."

No, she was just a closeted whore.

I don't tolerate this garbage.

Closety was married in 2020.  To a woman.

But she wasn't out.  Not even with the non-judgmental League of Women Voters could she say she was a lesbian.

In a 90 minutes interview with a man who brought up that she was part of the lesbian Yang Gang,  she did, it did slip out but that was an interview viewed 84 times in real time and it was less than 30 seconds.  And the interviewer raised it -- note how uncomfortable she got when the topic was raised.

Let's be really clear on how disgusting this bitch is.

Sarah Gilbert is someone Ava and I have repeatedly called out.  Reality, you want to hide in your closet?  You're pathetic but go for it.  But what did Sarah do.  She hid in a closet, yes.  While having a relationship with Ali Adler.  Fine, they can both hide in the closet.  But that changes when they have two children.  When you have two children, you can't hide in the closet.  As Judy Gold rightly notes in NETFLIX's OUTSTANDING: A COMEDY REVOLUTION, you can't do that.  Having kids meant coming out for Judy because the alternative is you are sending a very dangerous message to your kids and you're also limiting what they can talk about with their friends.  Did Sarah expect her kids to stay silent about having two Mommys?  What message was Sarah Gilbert sending to her children by pretending in public that she was straight?  Her oldest was six years old when she finally came out.

That's disgusting.

And Closety?  

She wasn't just disgusting, she was misleading the public.  While asking for their vote.  Grasp that she wasn't just hiding that she was a lesbian, she was hiding that she was married.

If a straight politician hid that he or she was married, it would be a scandal.  It was a mini-scandal for some when it turned out Gregory Harrison had been married for four years (to a woman -- Randi Oakes) and not just hiding it but denying it.  (The two are still married to this day.)  His fans were disappointed.  But he was an actor.  He wasn't running for public office and saying "trust me with your vote."

If you're running for office, the voters have a right to know you.  Especially when you have no accomplishments in your entire life -- being a legislative intern briefly might seem like  a credit; however, when people find out that the politician you interned for was your aunt, I think most voters  realize that's no more a reason to vote for you than you're other embarrassing jobs.

She wanted voters in Oregon's first Congressional district to vote for her and she had nothing to offer.  Possibly, had she revealed her personal life, she would have gotten more support?  But the voters had a right to know.  She's running for public office and she won't tell voters that she has a wife?

What a closet case.

Also during that campaign, she refused to address LGBTQ+ issues.  She refused to even note the LGBTQ+ community.  It is a progressive district and Oregon is a progressive state.  

But she hid in her closet.

Yet James Li brings her onto BREAKING POINTS and calls her a "lesbian activist"?

Oh, hell no.

She's a closet case who was in the closet in the 90s -- we did the research and talked to the people who knew her -- not very easy when she refuses to list her community college on her official resume.  She hid in her closet in the '00s.  In the '10s, desperate for sex, she started using a gay dating app.  

She's a closet case who is unemployable so she hit the grift.  

Grasp that.  She had no job to brag on.  She had no accomplishments.  She leaves out the book she wrote -- that no one bought and that didn't even get one review on AMAZON.  Grasp that.  Not one review.

She's garbage and the only way she could make money was by attacking transgender people.  So that's how she's made a name for herself.

And that's who BREAKING POINTS brought on to discuss Pride.  

She didn't discuss PRIDE, she attacked trans people.  And that's why she was brought on.  James Li knew what she was and he invited her on to be who she was.

BREAKING POINTS is utter garbage at this point.  If they truly consider themselves media, they will: Apologize for bringing up a transphobe for Pride month, apologize for trying to dress her up as a lesbian activist (of many years, no less), apologize for refusing to note Pride all month, and apologize for being part of a media that wants to 'talk about trans people' -- actually, I asked for quotes around 'talk about trans people' but those should probably be removed.  They do want to talk about trans people, they just don't want to talk to trans people. 

How is that media?  

It's not.  Krystal Ball, you claim to be a journalist and you put your name to BREAKING POINTS. 

So let's see what you really are?  Are you going to apologize for the non-journalistic segment?  And are you going to make amends by bringing on actual trans people to discuss trans issues? 

Or are you just going to look the other way?

No one should be donating to BREAKING POINTS at this point.  

It's not media.  

Like FOX "NEWS," BREAKING POINTS is not there to illuminate, it's there to spread hate.

And grasp that the sort of othering that BREAKING POINTS did on Sunday is the sort of othering that Palestinians have had to endure for decades -- where American media talked about them but didn't talk to them.  

I'm glad we did Gaza already because I'm running out of time.

  The U.S. Supreme Court ruled along ideological lines on Monday that former President Donald Trump is entitled to "absolute immunity" for "official acts" taken while he was in office, a decision that liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor warned makes any occupant of the Oval Office "a king above the law."

Writing for the majority in the 6-3 decision, Chief Justice John Roberts declared that Trump "may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled, at a minimum, to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts."

But Sotomayor countered in her dissent that the majority distorted the concept of core constitutional powers "beyond any recognizable bounds," effectively granting Trump the sweeping immunity he demanded as he faces charges for attempting to subvert the 2020 presidential election in a failed last-ditch bid to remain in power.

"When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution," Sotomayor wrote. "Orders the Navy's SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."

"In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law," the justice added. "With fear for our democracy, I dissent."

The New York Timesnoted that the high court "has remanded the case to the federal district court judge overseeing the matter, Tanya Chutkan, to determine the nature of the acts for which former President Trump has been charged—which are unofficial ones he undertook in his personal capacity and which are official ones he undertook as president."

The high court's ruling, which came after months of delays, all but forecloses the possibility of Trump facing trial for election subversion charges before the November presidential contest. The progressive advocacy group MoveOn said the conservative supermajority's decision to punt the case back to the lower court makes the justices "complicit in Trump's plan to delay any legal accountability until after the election."

Two of the court's right-wing justices—Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito—faced calls to recuse from the case but rejected them.

"Donald Trump incited the deadly January 6 insurrection and the MAGA Supreme Court continues to do everything in their power to stop him from facing accountability for attempting to overthrow our government," said Rahna Epting, executive director of MoveOn Political Action. "Nobody is above the law, especially not Trump. MAGA extremists in Congress and the courts have made it clear there will be no checks or balances on Trump and the only hope for American democracy is the people coming together to defeat him in November."

Lisa Gilbert, executive vice president at Public Citizen, added in a statement that "Trump versus the United States is a fitting name for this case."

"There is no better way to characterize Trump's attempt to upend the Constitution and rule of law as we know it," Gilbert said. "Today's ruling is a blow to U.S. democracy. But it's not a final blow by any means. Trump can and should still be held accountable for his role in the violence on January 6 in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election and stop a peaceful transfer of power." 

One of the many reasons democracy is dying is because of a shoddy media system and giving money to people at BREAKING POINTS who have no qualms about presenting a known liar, a known transphobe, a closet case and letting her trash a minority population is 100% a media crime.  

Krystal Ball can make it right.  I doubt she will.


This morning, REUTERS reports, " Eight Palestinians were killed and dozens wounded when Israeli forces bombarded several areas of Khan Younis and Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, health officials said on Tuesday, as thousands of people fled their homes under fire."  The Israeli government continues its slaughter of Gaza and has yet again ordered Palestinians to 'evacuate' and the reality is there's really nowhere to go.  AP notes, "Sam Rose, the director of planning at the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, known as UNRWA, said Tuesday that the agency believes some 250,000 people are in the evacuation zone — over 10% of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million — including many who have fled earlier fighting. He says another 50,000 people living just outside the zone may also choose to leave because of their proximity to the fighting. Evacuees have been told to seek refuge in a sprawling tent camp along the coast that is already overcrowded and has few basic services."  Sebastian Usher (BBC NEWS) adds, "Louise Wateridge, an official with the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (Unrwa) in Gaza, asked where people could go as they were forced to leave their homes once again."  ALJAZEERA reports:

Israel’s evacuation order from the east of Khan Younis shows its inability to achieve its goal of eliminating Hamas and its intent to exhaust the population, says Luciano Zaccara, a professor of Gulf politics at Qatar University’s Gulf Studies Center.

“This demonstrates that they cannot win the war because they wanted to eliminate Hamas physically and politically but so far the group is still there, this is why they need to move people, in order to chase them,” Zaccara told Al Jazeera.

“It also proves that Israel wants to win this war by exhausting the people,” he said, referring to several previous evacuation orders from different locations in the past nine months of war.

“In this way, it creates much more trouble and harm for Palestinians who cannot stay for more than one month or 15 days in one place,” he added.

The idea that there are safe places to move people to, Zaccara said, “is not true because every time there has been a displacement there were also attacks”

Yesterday, THE IRISH TIMES noted, "Israel released 55 Palestinians whom it had detained from Gaza, including the director of the territory’s main hospital, Mohammed Abu Selmia, who was freed without charge or trial after being detained in November when Israeli forces raided Shifa Hospital."  They're referring to Dr Muhammad Abu Salmiya who was kidnapped by Israeli forces on November 23rd and then held hostage for months.  , Abeer Salman, Kareem Khadder and Eugenia Yosef (CNN) note:

             The head of Gaza’s largest hospital has claimed he was repeatedly tortured during his seven months in Israeli detention, following his sudden release Monday, in a move that highlighted growing rifts in the Israeli establishment.

Dr. Mohammed Abu Salmiya, the director of the Al-Shifa medical complex, who was arrested in late November during the first of two Israeli raids on the facility in Gaza City, was released along with 50 other Palestinian detainees.     

Let's stop there.  If you are arrested, you get a trial.  You also get charged and if you aren't charged you are released.  The doctor was not arrested because he was held for over seven months without a trial.  That's not "arrested." That's kidnapped and held hostage.  CNN needs to stop 'sweetening' the truth. 

Israeli forces seized Abu Salmiya from a United Nations convoy on November 22. They took him to court three times while in detainment but brought no charges and allowed him no lawyer, Abu Salmiya said.

His detention in November followed an Israeli siege of Al-Shifa hospital, which Israeli officials said had become a Hamas control center. Though weapons were found at the hospital, an investigation by The Washington Post in December showed that the evidence fell short of revealing a command center, and that key claims the Israelis had made to justify the siege turned out to be incorrect.

Israeli forces attacked the hospital again in late March, killing hundreds and leaving the facility mostly destroyed. Several mass graves were discovered near the hospital site in the weeks that followed. 

 Back to CNN:

             At a news conference Monday, Abu Salmiya alleged Palestinian detainees suffered “severe torture” and had medical treatment denied.

“My little finger was broken. I was repeatedly subjected to hitting on the head, causing bleeding multiple times. There was almost daily torture in the Israeli prisons,” he told reporters.

“The doctor there beats the detainees, and the nurse beats the detainees. This is in violation of all international laws.”     

Again with the 'sweetening' of the truth?  Jason Burke (GUARDAIN) notes, "Mistreatment included assaults with batons and dogs, deprivation of food and medicine, as well as physical and psychological humiliation, Abu Salmiya said."  When news that Americans had used dogs on Iraqis at Abu Ghraib became public, the world was rightly horrified.  In fact, Google "CNN Abu Ghraib dogs" and look at all the results you find.  CNN was concerned them but right now can't be bothered with mentioning dogs.

A soldier found guilty of using a military dog to terrorize inmates at Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib prison was sentenced Wednesday to 179 days confinement and will be discharged for bad conduct.

Army Sgt. Michael J. Smith also will be demoted to private, and his monthly pay will be reduced by $750 for three months, making his paycheck about $1,523 a month.

Smith, 25, was convicted Tuesday of five counts in what began as a 13-count court-martial. He was charged with using his canine, Marco, to terrify prisoners -- allegedly for amusement and in competition with other soldiers.

He also was convicted of allowing the dog to participate in the lewd acts of licking peanut butter off of a woman's chest and a man's genitalia.

After deliberating six hours Wednesday, the jury consisting of four officers and three enlisted soldiers returned with the verdict. Smith faced a maximum penalty of more than 8 years in prison.

Back to Burke's GUARDIAN article:


In May the Guardian reported allegations of widespread abuse at the Sde Teiman detention facility in the Negev desert in Israel’s south, based on whistleblowers’ accounts.

Other media have also documented multiple descriptions of abuse at the camp, where thousands of detainees from Gaza have been held since the beginning of the war.

“Our detainees have been subjected to all kinds of torture behind bars,” he said. “There was almost daily torture. Cells are broken into and prisoners are beaten.” He said guards broke his finger and caused his head to bleed during beatings, in which they used batons and dogs.

He said the medical staff at different facilities where he was held had also taken part in the abuse “in violation of all laws.” He said some detainees had limbs amputated because of poor medical care.

All victims of gross human rights violations in Palestine and Israel are owed reparation, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch on June 26 submitted recommendations to the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967. The rapporteur, Francesca Albanese, had invited input to inform her October 2024 report to the United Nations General Assembly on the ongoing hostilities.

Under international law, governments responsible for abuses are obliged to provide effective remedies for human rights violations, including through truth, justice, compensation, memorialization, and guarantees of non-recurrence. Non-state armed groups also have responsibilities to provide reparation. Reparation processes should center on the rights of victims and be carried out after meaningful and effective consultations with them. Other countries that have, or whose businesses have, supported one side or the other should contribute to reparations and all other countries should press the parties to the conflict to commit to provide reparations.

“The parties to the conflict need to repair the harm they have caused to victims in the ongoing hostilities,” said Clive Baldwin, senior legal adviser at Human Rights Watch. “Governments supporting Israel and Palestinian armed groups should not only use their leverage to stop further abuses, but also to ensure that victims and survivors receive meaningful reparations.”

Gaza remains under assault. Day 270 of  the assault in the wave that began in October.  Binoy Kampmark (DISSIDENT VOICE) points out, "Bloodletting as form; murder as fashion.  The ongoing campaign in Gaza by Israel’s Defence Forces continues without stalling and restriction.  But the burgeoning number of corpses is starting to become a challenge for the propaganda outlets:  How to justify it?  Fortunately for Israel, the United States, its unqualified defender, is happy to provide cover for murder covered in the sheath of self-defence."   CNN has explained, "The Gaza Strip is 'the most dangerous place' in the world to be a child, according to the executive director of the United Nations Children's Fund."  ABC NEWS quotes UNICEF's December 9th statement, ""The Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. Scores of children are reportedly being killed and injured on a daily basis. Entire neighborhoods, where children used to play and go to school have been turned into stacks of rubble, with no life in them."  NBC NEWS notes, "Strong majorities of all voters in the U.S. disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of foreign policy and the Israel-Hamas war, according to the latest national NBC News poll. The erosion is most pronounced among Democrats, a majority of whom believe Israel has gone too far in its military action in Gaza."  The slaughter continues.  It has displaced over 1 million people per the US Congressional Research Service.  Jessica Corbett (COMMON DREAMS) points out, "Academics and legal experts around the world, including Holocaust scholars, have condemned the six-week Israeli assault of Gaza as genocide."   The death toll of Palestinians in Gaza is grows higher and higher.  United Nations Women noted, "More than 1.9 million people -- 85 per cent of the total population of Gaza -- have been displaced, including what UN Women estimates to be nearly 1 million women and girls. The entire population of Gaza -- roughly 2.2 million people -- are in crisis levels of acute food insecurity or worse."  THE NATIONAL notes, "At least 37,925 people have been killed and 87,141 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, the Health Ministry in the Palestinian enclave has said.  At least 25 were killed and 81 wounded in the 24-hour reporting period, the ministry added."  Months ago,  AP  noted, "About 4,000 people are reported missing."  February 7th, Jeremy Scahill explained on DEMOCRACY NOW! that "there’s an estimated 7,000 or 8,000 Palestinians missing, many of them in graves that are the rubble of their former home."  February 5th, the United Nations' Phillipe Lazzarini Tweeted:


April 11th, Sharon Zhang (TRUTHOUT) reported, "In addition to the over 34,000 Palestinians who have been counted as killed in Israel’s genocidal assault so far, there are 13,000 Palestinians in Gaza who are missing, a humanitarian aid group has estimated, either buried in rubble or mass graves or disappeared into Israeli prisons.  In a report released Thursday, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said that the estimate is based on initial reports and that the actual number of people missing is likely even higher."

As for the area itself?  Isabele Debre (AP) reveals, "Israel’s military offensive has turned much of northern Gaza into an uninhabitable moonscape. Whole neighborhoods have been erased. Homes, schools and hospitals have been blasted by airstrikes and scorched by tank fire. Some buildings are still standing, but most are battered shells."  Kieron Monks (I NEWS) reports, "More than 40 per cent of the buildings in northern Gaza have been damaged or destroyed, according to a new study of satellite imagery by US researchers Jamon Van Den Hoek from Oregon State University and Corey Scher at the City University of New York. The UN gave a figure of 45 per cent of housing destroyed or damaged across the strip in less than six weeks. The rate of destruction is among the highest of any conflict since the Second World War."

This morning, THE NATIONAL notes:

At least 8,572 Palestinian pupils have been killed in Gaza and 100 in the occupied West Bank since Israel began its war on Gaza, the Wafa news agency reported citing the Palestinian Education Ministry.

The ministry added that at least 497 teachers and administrators were killed and 3,402 wounded in both Gaza and the West Bank.

Read our long read feature on how Israel’s destruction of schools and universities will set Gaza back decades.

New content at THIRD:

The following sites updated: