That's what I think of the season so far. And it's not over.
I thought it was. I wouldn't have wasted time streaming it today if I'd known it wasn't over yet. New episodes are still airing on Fridays.
I'm so sick of this show. I'm so sick of it jerking us around.
Colson is dead. (Yea!) But they bring back the actor this season as Sarge. And as Mae suspects, he really is Colson. That was confirmed in a scene from tonight's show with Daisy when he called her Skye and she realized he was Colson.
The show needed to move forward. It didn't need him back. It's like the United States and Joe Biden. You just want the old man to go away and let the new crew step forward.
They don't know what they're doing with this show.
Deke is the only thing that works this season and they don't know how to utilize him.
There should not be another season.
If Colson truly had died, it would have made sense to have another season. We'd want to see the team continue, we'd want to see how Mac worked out as a leader. Instead, they tricked us and misled us with one of the biggest f**k yous to the audience since FAMILY GUY killed off Brian for a few episodes only to bring him back.
Want another f**k you to the audience? They realize their new villain has some similarities to Ghost Rider. And it's an indication that they're going to have to bring on Ghost Rider to help them, right? Hell no. Just more jerking around the fans.
The show has the cheapest budget ever and it really is obvious. They also announced that next season will be the last. To that, I say, "Thank God!" Seriously. This show has been one wasted moment after another. The show's last good season was season three. It should have gone out after that.
Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Friday, July 26, 2019. Joe Biden continues to struggle while insisting, "Come at me, bro!"
Starting in the US where the race for the Democratic Party's presidential nominee is on.
25 are seeking the nomination, 20 will be allowed to debate over two nights next week. The press has declared War Hawk Joe Biden the front runner.
The people have not spoken.
But Joe keeps speaking, keeps putting his foot in his mouth.
America needs Medicare For All. Joe says "no" while running on Barack Obama's coattails. There's a problem.
Starting in the US where the race for the Democratic Party's presidential nominee is on.
25 are seeking the nomination, 20 will be allowed to debate over two nights next week. The press has declared War Hawk Joe Biden the front runner.
The people have not spoken.
But Joe keeps speaking, keeps putting his foot in his mouth.
America needs Medicare For All. Joe says "no" while running on Barack Obama's coattails. There's a problem.
Joe Biden released this new video arguing against Medicare for All, while President Obama himself praised the idea
Guess Joe's not as close to Barack as he likes to claim.
In a new development, Joe has issued a warning, his version of "Come at me, bro."
Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden is out with a stark warning for his opponents ahead of next week's debates. He's saying: if you come at me, this time, I’m ready to hit back.
@EdOKeefe reports.
If you come at me this time, I'm ready to hit back.
A president needs to be ready on day one, Joe. And supposedly you have all this experience that makes you so qualified. But you can't handle your first debate?
Joe's an embarrassment.
Which is why support for Joe continues to drop. And then drop some more.
"Please clap...
Though every poll still shows him running atop the Democratic field, since he joined the race in late April, Biden’s support has been cut almost in half.

Whatever Joe does in next week's debate, let's hope he lays off the make up. I haven't seen so much foundation on anyone since a TV actress with a heroin habit in the 80s.
Joe Biden will forever be the War Hawk who sold the Iraq War and kept it going. He's not the only one. Many did so in the US and elsewhere. In Australia . . .
John Howard is a War Criminal. He's the forgotten War Criminal because Tony Blair was Bully Boy Bush's lapdog and no one could ever figure out what was lower than a lapdog. Whatever that was, it's John Howard.
Meanwhile . . .
True or false? Who knows. Haythem is a well known liar with a long streak of lies. He's also State of Law -- but isn't that redundant? He's lied about government formation in the past, he's lied about so much. He also has a history of being seen by the Iraqi people as a tool of Iran. If people are being declared terrorist by the US government, then they can always fight the charges. The declaration would only make formal what's been stated by the military brass to the press for years.
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