Monday, July 08, 2024

Time for Joe to go

Let's start with a video.

First, I'm glad Matteo Lane got mentioned because he is hilarious.  I like the comedy of all the ones mentioned except for Gatsby.  She's more of anti-comic, a lecturer and as Ava and C.I. pointed out.  From their "MEDIA: Hannah Gadsby is the 21st century's Jimmy Swaggart:"

At one point, she whines -- yes, it is whining -- that after a performance on her last tour, a lesbian approached her to tell her that there wasn't enough lesbian content in the show.

She goes on to mock the woman by saying it was her (Hannah) on stage the whole time.

Well it was her, Hannah, in her life the whole time too, right?

Because she also reveals in the special that her grandmother recently asked her if she had a boyfriend.  Oops, she says, she forgot to out herself to Grandma!

Sort of goes to the criticism that the women -- the lesbian Hannah mocked -- was making and if Hannah had any self-awareness at all, seems like she'd grasp that.

But she doesn't grasp much of anything.  Except whining, yelling and complaining.

She claims she knows how to play with tension.

Nothing in the NETFLIX special backed that up.

She attacked Woody Allen because he's been accused by one hateful woman of assaulting her when she was a child.  That's the same Dylan Farrow, remember who publicly attacked Diane Keaton.  We're racking our brains over that, trying to think of any self-stated victim of assault who's ever gone after friends of their alleged attacker?

We're not remembering Patricia Bowman, for example, attacking friends of William Kennedy Smith.   Tina Turner never went after anyone who was friends with Ike. Tyler Perry, hundreds of others, we don't see this desire that Dylan has.  It's a sickness and may go to other sicknesses.  Strange that Mia rushed Ronan into therapy as a young boy because he said he wanted to be a girl but never apparently got Dylan the help she needed.

Hannah rails at Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby as well.  Which really left us confused.

The special was taped in Australia.

She's from Tasmania.

What is with this obsession with America?

She reminded us of the thankfully forgotten Australian blogger Luke Whatshisname who used to daily attack Bully Boy Bush for the Iraq War but never called out Australia's prime minister John Howard.  Now we called out Bully Boy Bush for the Iraq War, but we're Americans.  Luke was an Australian blogging from Australia and he couldn't call out his own country's prime minister for taking part in the Iraq War?

He struck us an inept and incompetent -- like Hannah does today.

There are many men in Australia who could be called out for assault.  Certainly, the one getting all the attention ahead of her taping of the special was George Pell -- Cardinal George Pell, her country's highest-ranking Catholic official -- and thought to be "the most senior Catholic cleric in the world to face such charges."

Hannah's not funny and her raging is empty and useless.  As Ava and C.I. point out, there are no named women in her special:

She is furious that women are not represented in the arts.

Yet, in her 69 minute special (sshhhh, no giggles, we're sure it was unintentional -- remember, she doesn't like sex, she's "tired"), she doesn't do a damn thing.

Georgia O'Keeffe's not mentioned, Frida Kahlo's not mentioned.

We're really f**king sick of people like Hannah Gadsby.

'Woah, the world is wrong, it's so wrong, women are oppressed by White men, let me now name and obsess over these White men.  Now let me talk about myself.  Wow, an hour later I've accomplished so much.'

We started the piece quoting Joni Mitchell.  We've now named checked Frida Kahlo and Georgia O'Keeffe as well.  That's puts us three ahead of Hannah Gadsby.

As Alice Walker's long maintained -- words we take to heart -- if you don't like the way the world is, create the world you would like to see in your writing.

Hannah is all about Hannah and it's an act of useless rage.  Rage can be useful, it can inform, it can motivate, it can do many things.  But Hannah's rage is that of a child throwing a tantrum.  She's failed to educate herself -- despite the repeated bragging of having a degree in art history -- and she's failed to develop any insight into the world on her own.

Let's drop back to Alice Walker to quote her:

But what I'm also sharing with you is this thought: The Universe responds.  What you ask of it, it gives.  The military-industrial complex and its leaders and scientists have shown more faith in this reality than have those of us who do not believe in war and who want peace.  They have asked the Earth for all its deadlier substances.  They have been confident in their faith in hatred and war.  The Universe, ever responsive, the Earth, ever giving, has opened itself fully to their desires.  Ironically, Black Elck and nuclear scientists can be viewed in much the same way: as men who prayed to the Universe for what they believed they needed and who received from it a sign reflective of their own hearts.
I remember when I used to dismiss the bumper sticker "Pray for Peace."  I realize now that I did not understand it, since i also did not understand prayer; which I know now to be the active affirmation in the physical world of our inseparableness from the divine; and everything, especially the physical world, is divine.  War will stop when we no longer praise it, or give it any attentional at all.  Peace will come whenever it is sincerely invited.  Love will overflow every sanctuary given it.  Truth will grow where the fertilizer that nourishes it is also truth.  Faith will be its own reward.

That's from "The Universe Responds" (LIVING BY THE WORD).

What would Hannah think of that?  In her current state, she wouldn't.  She wouldn't think at all.  She's so paralyzed by rage that she can't.  Which is how she fails to name Marie-Therese Walter.

She never names the woman.

Oh, she goes and on about how awful Picasso was to sleep with this 17-year-old woman.  But for a woman whose show is about how women and other minorities are rendered invisible, she fails to grasp that she's doing the same thing.

Was Marie-Therese Walter not a person?  Does she not deserve to be named?  If you think she was victimized, then we would assume you would want to name her.

And that's why we love Ava and C.I.  They really do, as Dona always stresses, have a body of work.  I was reading them at THIRD before I started blogging.  And I've been blogging now for, gulp,  almost 20 years.  I was in high school when I started!  And I've done some stuff here that I'm glad I did.  But Ava and C.I. didn't 'blog.'  They did intense pieces.  They've covered so much in almost 20 years (January, it will be 20 years for them).  And they have a body of work.

And their newest chapter in that body of work, "Media: It's Time For Joe To Go."  As Jim notes in "A note to our readers," we had no idea that they were going to write that.  We were all in C.I.'s living room -- Ava and C.I., Jess, Kat, Dona, Jim, Elaine, Ty and me -- watching Joe Friday on ABC.  As soon as the interview ended, as the ABC panel was about to evaluate, Ava and C.I. got up and left.  And it never came up over the weekend.  They saved it for THIRD and were expecting to have to come up with a new topic thinking someone else would cover how Joe failed to move forward, to pivot, and just sat there taking one blow to face after another.   I'm sad to say it but Joe has to go.  We can't still be talking about the debate next week.  The media is not going to let up.  Joe has to go.

And that's before you factor in his lackluster radio interviews last week.  Amy Goodman (DEMOCRACY NOW!) noted this morning:

President Biden is facing more calls from Democratic lawmakers to drop out of the presidential race as questions continue to mount over his mental fitness. Five members of Congress have publicly called for him to step aside, and four more senior Democratic lawmakers said so during a private call. Biden has repeatedly vowed to stay in the race. He sat down for an interview on Friday with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, who asked if he could beat Donald Trump.

George Stephanopoulos: “Have you convinced yourself that only you can defeat him?”

President Joe Biden: “I convinced myself of two things: I’m the most qualified person to beat him, and I know how to get things done.”

George Stephanopoulos: “If you can be convinced that you cannot defeat Donald Trump, will you stand down?”

President Joe Biden: “Well, it depends on — on if the Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that, I might do that.”

That was from Biden’s first televised interview since his disastrous debate with Trump. Biden also spoke to two radio stations where he was interviewed by hosts who asked him questions that were scripted by Biden’s own campaign. Biden still stumbled during the interviews, saying at one point that he was proud to be “the first Black woman to serve with a Black president.”

President Joe Biden: “I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, the first Black woman to serve with a Black president.”

He couldn't handle the radio interviews.  Turns out?  His campaign wrote the questions.  THE GUARDIAN:

The Philadelphia radio host who conducted the first interview with Joe Biden following the president’s woeful 27 June debate performance has resigned from her job after she admitted she asked the president a handful of questions supplied by his aides.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders said Sunday on Instagram that WURD Radio had accepted her resignation after she tendered it.

In its own statement later Sunday, WURD Radio said that Andrea Lawful-Sanders had arranged the interview “without knowledge, consultation or collaboration with … management” – and violated the station’s editorial independence by accepting questions supplied by Biden’s team.

The outlet, which describes itself as Pennsylvania’s only African American-owned and operated radio station, also said Biden aides’ decision to supply questions to Lawful-Sanders prolonged a historical practice of marginalizing and “de-legitimizing Black voices” in US media.


And now ABC reports:

A second local radio host on Saturday told ABC News that he was provided a list of questions in advance of his interview with President Joe Biden this week.

"Yes, I was given some questions for Biden," Earl Ingram of CivicMedia told ABC News. Ingram, a prominent host of a Wisconsin radio station, interviewed Biden this week in the wake of his debate performance.

Ingram said he was given five questions and ended up asking four of them.

"I didn't get a chance to ask him all the things I wanted to ask," he said.

Ingram is the second interviewer who now says they were provided questions by Biden aides to ask the president this week. Earlier today, another local radio host who interviewed Biden this week told CNN she was given questions to ask Biden before the interview.

Two underwhelming, stumbling interviews and he was being asked questions he'd prepped on and questions that he gave the radio stations to ask him.

Last week, before the ABC interview aired, I was pulling for him.  But it's time for him to go.  Think he did some good things domestically.  Don't hate him.  But he needs to hand the nomination off to someone else.

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

Monday, July 8, 2024.  Joe needs to go and proved it Friday, the UK may stop trying to delay the ICC from serving arrest warrants, the Israeli government has spent the last three days (counting this morning) attacking schools, a new estimate finds that close to 200,000 people may have been killed so far in the slaughter on Gaza, and much more.

Yesterday evening, the Biden-Harris Campaign sent out the following;

The American people have seen who Donald Trump really is.

The delusion.
The lying.
The racism.
The xenophobia.
The admiration of dictators.
The utter cruelty.

Instead of properly handling the COVID crisis, Trump played golf and told people to inject bleach. Instead of accepting the 2020 election results, Trump riled up a mob that ransacked our Capitol and violently attacked law enforcement.

Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy. And he is a threat to everything we hold dear.

It's our shared responsibility to defeat Trump once and for all and save our democracy -- but it will be impossible if supporters like you sit on the sidelines.

The MAGA Right has stockpiled millions of dollars to spread absurd falsehoods, and we must respond with strength. 

And that goes into why Ava and I wrote "Media: It's Time For Joe To Go."

This is lousy campaigning and we don't have weeks and weeks to fix it.

The Democratic Party needs a better nominee.  Competency is not enough.

So on Friday,  ABC aired George Stephanopoulos interview with Joe Biden.  And it was a huge disappointment.  Nearly 30 minutes of conversation and it advanced nothing.

George's role was to ask questions.  He is not the campaign.  Joe's job was to have been the campaign.

Every question was met by Joe with a defensive answer.  He had been tired, he had done this, travel, whatever.  It was like he sat the for a half hour while George slugged him repeatedly and, at the end, he expected a judge to rush out and exclaim "It's a draw!" 'Enduring' an interview is not proof that you've got what it takes. 

Especially as the same basic question got asked and re-asked, Joe should have taken those questions and shown America a future.  Example, "Well, George that was last week and we've discussed that.  I think American people are more interested in what we can do the next four years.  For instance, our children need . . ."

He didn't do that.  

And we're not talking about a newbie.  Except for four years, Joe has held public office since 1972.  And two of those four years when he didn't hold office, he was campaigning -- first for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, then for the presidency.

He's not up to it and his team is beyond stupid.

The microphone level was one of the problems in the debate.  Where was the Biden campaign's  communications team to see that he was properly miked?

If this were January, there would be too many problems to fix at this point.

Is it fair that one debate -- which he actually won -- destroyed his re-election bid?


No, it's not fair.  Life's not fair.

But the media has had their bone for almost two weeks now and they're not letting it go.  If he were a starlet on a bender, he would be told that it would take at least six to eight weeks damage control to rehabilitate his image.  We don't have to six to eight weeks to see if he can get back to where he was -- which was still slightly behind Donald in some polls.

And Joe's not trying to sell tickets to a film that if it bombs might be sad but wouldn't be the end of democracy.  There's no guarantee that even a heavy spin could bring him back to where he was.  And e-mails like the one we quoted at the start?  Donald Trump is evil.  But that's not enough.  When Democrats win, they usually win for inspiring.  Bill Clinton was "Hope Not Fear."  Barack Obama was "Yes We Can."  Joe's already won once on "The Other Guy Is Nuts."  Expecting people to go out four years later for the same slogan?  People have busy lives.  Voting isn't a breeze for most people (especially those who don't live in Oregon).  

And four months out from the election isn't when you should have to be going backwards to try to rebuild confidence in the nominee. 

This is actually the time when he should have been building support and enthusiasm, not attempting to reassure voters that he can stagger to the finishing line.  

And the only thing crazier than his being in the race right now is this notion that it needs to be sugar coated so he'll step down.  He got to be president of the United States.  There's not a higher political role in the country -- maybe in the world.  You got to the top, Joe, step down.

Every day that he doesn't is harming the Democratic Party.

The only thing that's going to end the media focus on the debate is an even bigger gas bag event for them: Who will replace Joe!

It will allow the cheap ass cable 'news' to pretend it's reporting as they speculate and gossip and don't do any real work.  It'll make their summer.

Joe can say he wants to spend more time with his family.  He can say the truth, "Like the rest of you, I'm concerned about the threat of Donald Trump to this country and I feel it is in the best interest of the country if I step aside."

In terms of a news cycle, the debate was an eternity ago yet it still dominates and that's going to continue unless the media's given a new topic.  Joe failed to do so with speeches and he failed to do so with the ABC interview.

Four additional Democrats in Congress told their lawmaker colleagues during a phone call Sunday that they believe President Joe Biden should step aside to allow someone else to be the party’s nominee for president, according to multiple people on the call and familiar with the discussion.

The House Democrats who said Biden should drop out of the race were Adam Smith of Washington, Jerry Nadler of New York, Mark Takano of California and Joe Morelle of New York.

All four lawmakers hold top positions on key committees and bring the number of Democrats in Congress who have called for Biden to reconsider his bid for president to nearly a dozen.

Smith is the top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee. Similar positions are held by Nadler on the Judiciary Committee, Takano on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee and Morelle on the House Administration Committee.

The four lawmakers and the Biden campaign did not immediately provide comments on the call.


The big picture: Democratic lawmakers have gone from shock, to sadness, to madness since the debate 10 days ago. These Democrats, further deflated by Biden's high-stakes ABC interview, believe there's nothing he can do to reverse the damage — or his aging.

  • "The sh*t is going to hit the fan on Monday, when Congress returns," a House Democrat told us. "People are scared about their own races. But they're also worried about the country, and about democracy."
  • Lawmakers were antsy enough about Biden during their Fourth of July break this past week. There'll be even greater torque when they're venting, raging and plotting in person.

"Every single person not named Biden," or paid by the president, recognizes how deep a hole he's in, said a top Democratic operative who's talking nonstop to elected officials.

  • David Axelrod, former President Obama's political architect, described Biden's posture in an opinion piece Saturday: "Denial. Delusion. Defiance." Axe said a growing chorus of Democrats is "fearful of an electoral disaster."

A front-page story in Sunday's Washington Post quotes an adviser to major donors as estimating that "for every 10 people who think he should exit, one thinks he should stay." The story says multiple people "publicly vouching for Biden, at the behest of the White House and campaign, privately say there's no path." (Saved ya 2,550 words, 9½ mins.!)

This is a very bad time.   And one thing that needs to be noted is that this has nearly destroyed his campaign.  We're four months out.  He can't hide in a basement like he did during the Democratic Party primaries -- meaning, four more months of him out in public.  The press has sharpened their knives and will be waiting to pounce on any stumble.  Joe needs to go.

Let's turn to Gaza, here are some numbers via ALJAZEERA:

  • 3,376 massacres committed by the Israeli army
  • 38,153 people killed
  • 10,000 missing (their fate unknown)
  • 15,983 children killed
  • 34 died as a result of malnutrition
  • 10,637 women killed
  • 500 medical personnel killed
  • 75 members of the civil defence killed
  • 158 journalists killed
  • 520 bodies recovered from seven mass graves near Gaza hospitals
  • 157 shelters targeted by Israel
  • 87,828 wounded
  • 70 percent of victims are children and women
  • 17,000 children are now without either or both parents

On the issue of the death toll, THE NATIONAL notes:

Up to 186,000 people may have been killed in Israel’s war on Gaza, according to a Lancet Journal report. The report said the estimate includes direct deaths from the conflict as well as indirect deaths from causes such as reproductive, communicable and non-communicable diseases.

The Lancet is one of the world's most highly cited medical journals.

In February, John Hopkins University estimated 70,000 'excess deaths' including 10,000 from diseases.

I think that's a solid estimate.  The official count is an undercount because so many are missing, all these months later.  The official daily count does not include them -- nor does it pretend to. For nine months now, this slaughter has been going on.

The new Labour government is expected to drop a bid to delay the international criminal court (ICC) reaching a decision on whether to issue an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu over alleged war crimes in Gaza.

The development came as Keir Starmer, the new UK prime minister, told the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, that he believed the Palestinians had an undeniable right to a Palestinian state. Starmer spoke to Abbas on Sunday about the “ongoing suffering and devastating loss of life” in Gaza.

He also spoke to Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, setting out the “clear and urgent” need for a ceasefire in Gaza. “He added that it was also important to ensure the long-term conditions for a two-state solution were in place, including ensuring the Palestinian Authority had the financial means to operate effectively,” a readout of the call said.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said the army will not stop fighting with Hezbollah in Lebanon if a ceasefire is reached in the Gaza Strip with Hamas, and that a separate deal with the Lebanese militant group is needed.

His threat came after Hezbollah on Sunday said it had launched its largest aerial operation yet, attacking an Israeli surveillance centre on Mount Hermon in the annexed Golan Heights.

“My instructions to the forces in the north and the south are clear: even if we reach a settlement in the south, we will continue to fight in the north until we bring Hezbollah to a settlement and restore the residents with security,” Mr Gallant said in a video on Sunday during a visit to the Mount Hermon area.

“Things can happen. We do not aspire to it. We are ready for anything, but we are prepared for the fact that if they come to attack us, or if they try to harm us, or if they do not allow us to return our citizens safely to their homes – we will act.”

ALJAZEERA, meanwhile, notes, "We are receiving reports that Israeli forces are demolishing Amira School in in the Masafer Yatta region, south of occupied West Bank. The school serves 70 students from first to fifth grade.  The demolition of schools by the Israeli army is not new. According to the UN, there have been 36 demolitions of 20 schools in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank since 2010."  The Israeli government has been attacking schools and universities throughout the slaughter but has been on a bigger kick in the last three days.  

On Saturday,  the big attack today was on  Al-Jaouni School.  Australia's ABC explains, "Al-Nuseirat, one of Gaza Strip's eight historic refugee camps, was the site of stepped-up Israeli bombardment on Saturday."  Rushdi Aboualouf and Tom McArthur (BBC NEWS) reported, "Video from the scene of the Nuseirat school strike shows adults and children screaming in a smoke-filled street covered in dust and rubble, as they run to help the wounded. Eyewitnesses told the BBC that the attack targeted the upper floors of the school, which is located near a busy market."  CNN quoted an unnamed "displaced man" stating, "There was a swing here, swings were here, (children) were playing. What was their fault? We barely found this place in the school, but even the school is not safe."  The attack left at least 16 dead.  ALJAZEERA quotes Al-Aqsa Hospital's Dr Mohmmed Tahir:

I entered the ER, and there was absolute chaos. The first thing I saw was the three or four children on the floor, one of whom had horrific injuries to the lower back, a flesh wound that went all the way down to the spine.  He had trouble moving his legs. So, I can only imagine that he had a severe spinal cord injury. Bear in mind, we don’t have a CT scanner at Al-Aqsa Hospital. It’s not set up as a trauma centre, so this hospital, which should normally run with a capacity of 200, has 600 patients. You have children lying on the floors, men lying on a floor, injured people everywhere. It’s chaos, and you’re dealing with an already broken system.

THE IRISH TIMES quotes Mahmoud Basal (Gaza Civil Emergency Service) stating, "The attack on the school meant no place in the enclave was safe for families who leave their houses to seek shelter," And that was Saturday.  Sunday?  The  Israeli government bombed another school.  Soraya Ebrahimi (THE NATIONAL) reports:

The civil defence agency in Hamas-run Gaza said a strike Sunday on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians killed at least four people, the second such Israeli attack in two days.

The Israeli military, which has long accused Palestinian militants of using schools and other civilian infrastructure, confirmed the strike "in the area of the school" in Gaza City.

It said the school complex was used as a militant hideout and housed "a Hamas weapons manufacturing facility".

The civil defence agency said Ihab Al Ghusain, the Hamas government's deputy labour minister, was among those killed in the strike on the Holy Family school.

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem said it is monitoring, with grave concern, the news of the raids at its school.

It condemned “in the strongest terms the targeting of civilians or any belligerent actions that fall short of ensuring that civilians remain outside the combat scene". 

"We continue to pray for the Lord’s mercy and hope that the parties will reach an agreement that would put an immediate end to the horrifying bloodbath and humanitarian catastrophe in the region,” the organisation said.

Mina Aldroubi (THE NATIONAL) notes this morning other attacks, "One witness said quadcopter drones were shooting intensively around the universities and industrial area in Tel Al Hawa neighbourhood, south-west of the city."

Gaza remains under assault. Day 276 of  the assault in the wave that began in October.  Binoy Kampmark (DISSIDENT VOICE) points out, "Bloodletting as form; murder as fashion.  The ongoing campaign in Gaza by Israel’s Defence Forces continues without stalling and restriction.  But the burgeoning number of corpses is starting to become a challenge for the propaganda outlets:  How to justify it?  Fortunately for Israel, the United States, its unqualified defender, is happy to provide cover for murder covered in the sheath of self-defence."   CNN has explained, "The Gaza Strip is 'the most dangerous place' in the world to be a child, according to the executive director of the United Nations Children's Fund."  ABC NEWS quotes UNICEF's December 9th statement, ""The Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. Scores of children are reportedly being killed and injured on a daily basis. Entire neighborhoods, where children used to play and go to school have been turned into stacks of rubble, with no life in them."  NBC NEWS notes, "Strong majorities of all voters in the U.S. disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of foreign policy and the Israel-Hamas war, according to the latest national NBC News poll. The erosion is most pronounced among Democrats, a majority of whom believe Israel has gone too far in its military action in Gaza."  The slaughter continues.  It has displaced over 1 million people per the US Congressional Research Service.  Jessica Corbett (COMMON DREAMS) points out, "Academics and legal experts around the world, including Holocaust scholars, have condemned the six-week Israeli assault of Gaza as genocide."   The death toll of Palestinians in Gaza is grows higher and higher.  United Nations Women noted, "More than 1.9 million people -- 85 per cent of the total population of Gaza -- have been displaced, including what UN Women estimates to be nearly 1 million women and girls. The entire population of Gaza -- roughly 2.2 million people -- are in crisis levels of acute food insecurity or worse."  ALJAZEERA notes, "At least 75 people have also been injured in Israel’s attacks across Gaza, raising the total number of injuries since October 7 to 87,903, according to Gaza’s Ministry of Health.  The new figures raised the overall death toll to 38,193, including more than 15,983 children and 10,637 women, the ministry said." Months ago,  AP  noted, "About 4,000 people are reported missing."  February 7th, Jeremy Scahill explained on DEMOCRACY NOW! that "there’s an estimated 7,000 or 8,000 Palestinians missing, many of them in graves that are the rubble of their former home."  February 5th, the United Nations' Phillipe Lazzarini Tweeted:


April 11th, Sharon Zhang (TRUTHOUT) reported, "In addition to the over 34,000 Palestinians who have been counted as killed in Israel’s genocidal assault so far, there are 13,000 Palestinians in Gaza who are missing, a humanitarian aid group has estimated, either buried in rubble or mass graves or disappeared into Israeli prisons.  In a report released Thursday, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said that the estimate is based on initial reports and that the actual number of people missing is likely even higher."

As for the area itself?  Isabele Debre (AP) reveals, "Israel’s military offensive has turned much of northern Gaza into an uninhabitable moonscape. Whole neighborhoods have been erased. Homes, schools and hospitals have been blasted by airstrikes and scorched by tank fire. Some buildings are still standing, but most are battered shells."  Kieron Monks (I NEWS) reports, "More than 40 per cent of the buildings in northern Gaza have been damaged or destroyed, according to a new study of satellite imagery by US researchers Jamon Van Den Hoek from Oregon State University and Corey Scher at the City University of New York. The UN gave a figure of 45 per cent of housing destroyed or damaged across the strip in less than six weeks. The rate of destruction is among the highest of any conflict since the Second World War."

New content at THIRD:

For anyone who is just now back after the Fourth holiday, Kat's "Kat's Korner: The late Melanie releases a live album" and "Kat's Korner: Judy Garland, THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT!" and Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Clarence Takes Another Dump" and "He Eats Dog" went up July 4th.   The following sites updated: